Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well, well. Look who has been getting lazy.

Before anyone strains their brain too much, I'll just admit it. I've been the lazy one. But from here on out, I am pushing myself forward with the hopes that One Day I Will.

Recently, I have enrolled myself into a fantastic community college known as Moraine Valley. Having only been there a week, you would never imagine that it would have already made such a difference in me. Allow me to express my confidence visually. My confidence went from this:

To this:

Incredible, yes? Good! I am glad you agree.

So where will you see me these next few months?

1. Dedicating my time to my college which consists of
   a. College Math (Oh so hated)
   b. Humanities(!!!)
   c. Speech Fundamentals (More to be said about this in a different blog post!!)
   d. College... a class about being in college. (?)
   e. And last but not least, Intro to Psychology! (Because... who doesn't enjoy learning what makes a brain tick?)

2. Writing, and writing, and writing some more.
   My brain is now too large to contain any more information about KeyNovel that I have upgraded to a better anti-virus (Also known as coffee). So, in order to save software from overheating, I will be writing furiously to preserve my soul.
   Plus, writing just got easier now that I have a brand new, super-special-awesome laptop! (Which according to an article I randomly came across, they are now to be known as "portable computers." Yeah... that'll catch on.)

3.  I shall be a director of a drama group for grades 4-11!
   Yes! Every Thursday I will get to teach drama to open, young minds! Until I have time to digest this mind blowing experience, I will save that talk for a later post. If you are interested in finding out about our local drama and other learning experiences including 4-H. debate, creative writing, and TONS more, click here!

4.  I want to learn to play the guitar like a rock star! Ok... maybe not a rock star... but something with a fantasy edge to it would be nice!

5.  And finally, Sarah can be found doing what she does best. (when she is not stalking author's blogs..) BEING HERSELF!!!
   Um... why did I just switch to third person?! Sarah should stop drinking coffee but uh..... Yeah, no.

Night, people! Tomorrow will be a crazy one for me! But remember, always count your books before you sleep. You never know when a book fairy will drop by and steal one...

Current Music: Everybody Loves Me- One Republic